Time | Program | Note |
09:00~09:30 | 현장등록 |
온라인등록 |
09:30~09:35 |
[환영사] 미정
대한민국 |
[축사] 미정
주요 초청인사 |
09:35~09:40 |
기념촬영 및 장내 정리
09:40~10:00 |
[발제 1] Gilles van de Walle, FAO Fishery Officer
10:00~10:10 |
[발제 2] Mar Lopez-Leiton, Spain Galicia FLAG
스페인 |
10:10~10:30 |
[발제 3] 이창수, 수협중앙회 수산경제연구원 전문연구원
대한민국 |
10:30~10:40 |
[발제 4] 이봉국, ㈜ 봉선장 대표이사
대한민국 |
10:40~11:10 |
휴식 및 장내 정리
11:10~12:30 |
[좌장] Hillary Egna, AQUAFISH Director
미정 |
[지정토론 1] Marie Christine Monfort, GLOBEFISH Consultant
미정 | |
[지정토론 2] Afrina Choudhury, WorldFish Specialist
미정 | |
[지정토론 3] Nicole Franz, FAO Team Leader
FAO | |
[지정토론 4] 정준호, 해양수산부 소득복지과장
대한민국 | |
12:30~ |

Park Sang-Woo
Director General / Fishing Community Research Bureau of Korea Maritime Institute / Republic of Korea
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Kyung-Won University (1992-1996)
Master in Planning and Design, The University of Melbourne (1998-1999)
Doctor Completion in Urban and Regional Planning (2008-2013)
▶ Experience
● 2001 – Present : Director General, Fishing Community Research Bureau., Korea Maritime Institute
● 2022 – Present : Policy Advisor, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
● 2023 – Present : Member of Rural Affairs Division, Presidential Special Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Areas

[Speaker] Nordic perspectives on youth and female fishers
Kristina Svels
Senior Scientist / Natural Resources Institute Finland / Republic of Finland
Dr. Kristina Svels is a senior researcher (Ph.D. in Rural Sociology) at the Natural Resources Institute,
Finland (LUKE), within the Bioeconomy and Economy unit’s research group ‘Land use, rural
development and governance’. She is Associated Professor at Åbo Akademi University within the
profile program ‘The Sea’ (Docent of Public Administration, Marine and Natural Resource
Governance). Kristina has a broad transdisciplinary background across rural and marine contexts.
She thematically works with ‘fisheries in changing societies’, conducts marine social science research
in the small-scale fisheries sector and has research interests in fisheries governance, intersectionality
and gender issues in blue sectors, sustainability research and she studies participation and social
human-animal conflicts.
Kristina takes part in collaborative local studies between researchers and fishers in the national
EMFAF innovation program. Alongside fisheries studies she leads and participates in several
sustainability and tourism projects. She has a special interest in maritime community and coastal
heritage issues, having studied natural transboundary World Heritage sites for her PhD. With Nordic
collaborators she initiated the social science gender research network Sisters in the Arctic Blue,
funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, in 2021.
Kristina has regularly participated in and organised national and international conferences and
workshops on fisheries governance, coastal empowerment, and conflict resolution. She has
authored and co-authored articles, chapters and conference proceedings on sustainability, gender,
rural and marine empirical and theoretical perspectives.

[Speaker] Youth and Women: New Driving Force for fishing villages?
Lee Chang-Soo
Research Fellow / Fisheries Economic Institute / Republic of Korea
Research Fellow, Fisheries Economic Institute
▶ Experience
● 2013 – Present : Research Fellow, Fisheries Economic Institute
● 2009.7 – 2010.6 : Researcher, Korea Fisheries Infrastructure Public Agency
● 2004.9 – 2009.6 : Researcher, Korea Maritime Institute
● 2022 : Pukyong National University PhD in Business Administration
● 2004 : Pukyong National University MBA
● 2002 : Pukyong National University Bachelor of Business Administration

[Speaker] The Blue Ocean of Blue Food : Gamtae Branding
Song Ju-Hyeon
CEO / BADASOOP / Republic of Korea
College of Business Administration, Kookmin University
● 2019 : Gamtae(seaweed) Pop-up in Paris, France
● 2021 : Establishment of Girin Company(BADASOOP)
● 2014 : Establishment of Songwon Food(BADASOOP)
● 2005 - 2012 : Software Development at Motorola Korea

Kim Dong-Ho
Reporter / The Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock News / Republic of Korea

Afrina Choudhury
Specialist / WorldFish / Bangladesh
Ph. D. Candidate, Konwledge Technology and Innovations Group, Wageningen School of Social Sciences, Netherlands
Masters in Development Studies, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), BRAC University
▶ Experience
● Dec 2019- Present : PhD Candidate, WorldFish and Wageningen University
● Jan 2019- December 2022: Research Fellow (Senior Gender Specialist): WorldFish, Bangladesh
● Jan 2012 to December 2018: Program Priority Leader/Gender Specialist: WorldFish, Bangladesh

Lee Hyun-Jin
Samsamhaemul the fisheries union corporation / CEO / Republic of Korea
Dongmyeong University Bachelor Department of Social and Physical Education
Gyeongsang National University Bachelor Department of Marine Food and Biomedical Sciences
▶ Experience
● 2019 – Present : CEO SamsamhaemulSeafood Co., Ltd
● 2016 – Present : CEO Samsamhaemul the fisheries union corporation
● 2012 – 2016 : CEO Samsamhaemul
● 2010 – 2012 : CEO Future distribution
● 2003 – 2010 : GS Retail Foremen Fisheries part

Jeong Joon-Ho
Director / Income and Welfare Division,Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries / Republic of Korea

Woo Jeong-Min
Haenyeo(female divers) / Geoje, South Gyeongsang Province / Republic of Korea
▶ Experience
● 2023 : Filming a German documentary / Appearing on KNN's 'One Day Restaurant' / Featuring on the YouTube channel 'GoPro' as a pro / Recording for Kim Eo-jun's radio show at the end of the month / Shooting a movie for Apple TV
● 2022 : Participation in the LaBohème campaign event
● 2021 : Consulting and acting as a stunt double for the movie 'Smuggler' / Appointed as a promotional ambassador for Tongyeong Maritime Police and an honorary civilian maritime rescue team member / Appearing on the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries' 'Catch Interview' / Filming an advertisement for 'Barrel' on YouTube
● 2020 : Appearance on MBC Every1's 'Order the Sea'
● 2019 : Starting a YouTube channel called 'Modern Haenyeo' / Selecting personalities for the 'People of Geoje' project in Geoje City
● 2016 : female divers Start

Nicole Franz
Team Leader / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) / Germany
Master in International Cooperation and Project Design from University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy (2004)
Master in Economic and Cultural Cooperation and Human Rights in the Mediterranean Region,
University of International Studies, Rome, Italy (2003) Degree in Development Economics, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy (2022)
▶ Experience
● Development economist with 20 years of experience in intergovernmental organizations
● Since 2021: Equitable Livelihood Team Leader, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, Rome, Italy
● 2011 - 2020: Fishery Planning Analyst, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, Rome, Italy
● 2009 - 2010: Fishery Planning Analyst at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris, France
● 2003 - 2008: consultant for FAO and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Rome, Italy