
Keynote Lecture

Time Program Note
Keynote Lecture
Keynote Lecture
[Keynote Lecture 1]   "100% Fish - Growing the blue economy in smaller communities"

[Keynote Speaker]

Thor Sigfusson

Founder and CEO / Iceland Ocean Cluster / Iceland



Founder and CEO of the Iceland Ocean Cluster (2011-) and Iceland Ocean Cluster house (2012-).

CEO of Sjóvár almennra trygginga hf. (2005-2009).

General manager of Viðskiptaráð Íslands (2003-2005).

Assistant general manager of Norræni fjárfestingabankinn (1998-2003).

Assistant to the Icelandic minister of finance (1994-1998)



Doctorate in business administration at University of Iceland 2012

Master’s degree in economics at University of North Carolina 1993

Bachelor’s degree in economics at the same university



[Keynote Lecture 2]   Blue Transformation

[Keynote Speaker]

Manuel Barange

FAO Assistant Director General Director / Fisheries and Aquaculture Division FAO, Rome, Italy / United Kingdom


Professor Manuel Barange has been the Director of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Division since 2016. Previously he was Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Science at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (, UK) and Chair of the Science Committee of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES Manuel is an Honorary Professor at the College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter (UK).

Professor Barange is a global fisheries and aquaculture expert, and his research has focused in particular on climate and anthropogenic impacts on marine ecosystems and on the role of aquatic foods in ending hunger and poverty. He has over 130 academic publications, and among others contributes to reports of the International Panel on Climate Change. In 2010 he was awarded the UNESCO-IOC Roger Revelle Medal for his contribution to ocean science