Time | Program | Note |
13:00~14:00 | 현장등록 |
온라인등록 |
14:00~14:10 |
[환영사] 미정
대한민국 |
[축사] 미정
미정 |
[축사] 미정
주요 초청인사 |
14:10~14:15 |
기념촬영 및 장내 정리
14:15~14:35 |
[발제 1] Maximo Torero, FAO Chief Economist
14:35~14:55 |
[발제 2] Allison Yi, WB Fishery Specialist
WB |
14:55~15:15 |
[발제 3] 송성일, 한국농어촌공사 농어촌개발 이사
대한민국 |
15:15~15:20 |
휴식 및 장내 정리
15:20~16:30 |
[좌장] 한덕훈, KMI 대외협력사업부장
대한민국 |
[지정토론 1] Lai Tung Quan, 메콩강위원회 Fishery Specialist
베트남 | |
[지정토론 2] Houngla Senmuang, 세네갈 정부 수로국장
세네갈 | |
[지정토론 3] 민은형, 국립수산과학원 연구사
대한민국 | |
[지정토론 4] 임지현, 해양수산부 국제협력총괄과장
대한민국 | |
16:30~ |

Han Deok-Hun
Director General / International Development Cooperation, Korea Maritime Institute / Republic of Korea
University of Kansas School of Law, Juris Doctor, USA (2007)
Indiana University School of Law-Bloomington, LL.M. Master of Law, USA (2005)
Korea University Graduate School of Law, LL.M., Korea (2002)
Korea University College of Law, LL.B., Korea (1995)
UCLA School of Law, Visiting Scholar (2009)
Rhodes Academy with Virginia Law School, International Ocean Law Diploma, Greece (2013)
International Arbitration Diploma, Korea Arbitration Association, Korea (2014) Diploma for Legislation of Spanish Maritime Regulation (2018.12) (Spanish)
Certificate of Estimation of ODA Program, KOICA, Korea (2019)
Certificate of E-Government ODA Program, Ministry of Administration, Korea (2020)
B.S. Oceanography, In-Ha University. Korea (1991)
● 2021 – Present : D.G., KMI International Cooperation Bureau / Ocean and Fisheries ODA Centre
-Implementation and Development of Ocean and Fisheries ODA in Korea
-Provide international regulation expertise to government and related stakeholders, etc
-Research extensive legal area including C188, CTA, and other IUU regulations

[Speaker] Hand in Hand : its Potential role in the fishery sector
Anthony Bennett
Senior Programme Officer / Hand in Hand Initiative / Ireland
Bennett, Anthony has over 25 years of international work experience in working for FAO and IFAD on improving market access, food systems, sustainable value chains development and investments. He has led the design, negotiation and implementation of a range of complex and large multi-donor funded initiatives. He is currently coordinating the FAO Hand in Hand Initiative, an FAO Priority Programme Area.
Tony returned to work for FAO from IFAD in 2010 where he led the FAO global work on food loss and waste, including the setting up of multiple Multidisciplinary platforms and collaborations with the private sector (e.g., Rockefeller for the African Union) before moving to Asia Pacific in 2016 as Food Systems Senior Officer (Post-production). He has experience working on improved post-harvest management, value addition, with farmer cooperatives and small- and medium-scale agricultural enterprises and related training and has worked in over 110 countries. Tony holds an M.Sc. (Agriculture in Engineering Technology) from University College Dublin and M.A. (Research Meritus) Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
[Speaker, Panel] Establishing Pathway for Achieving a Green-Blue Economy in Bangladesh
Fishery Specialist / World Bank / United States of America
Served as Green Growth World Bank’s Program Technical Advisor and Fund Manager. Firsthand experience helping several countries, Vietnam, Laos, and Colombia, make policy changes and build government-to-government bridges with the Republic of Korea. More recently supported Bangladesh in designing a $750 million Green and Climate Growth policy loan. Experienced in developing, planning, and implementing large-scale sustainable, green growth vision, driving policy and investment structure mobilization, and providing subject matter expertise on climate change, green infrastructure transition, smart cities, and green energy in response to growth and climate resilience needs. Global experience with a solid network in Africa, Latin America, East Asia, and South Asia. ▪ Nineteen years of experience in climate and green growth policy, renewable energy, environmental markets, smart infrastructure, Green House Gas Markets, and natural resources. ▪ Demonstrated leadership in advancing the climate change and green transition agendas through policy dialogue, analytics, investment, and advisory services to the public and private sector players. ▪ Expert on climate change and green infrastructure policy formation to investment- advised more than 30 countries. ▪ In-depth knowledge and global network involved in creating and executing new green deals and environmental and energy growth engines resulting in national green growth policy, institutions, and projects. ▪ Experience fundraising: ▪ $100 Million over four years for green growth policy, technology, and investments. An additional $70 Million was raised through partnerships to pilot smart grid installations and environmental feasibility studies. ▪ 2020-2022- Raised $8 million in trust funds to support and implement green growth diagnostics, awareness, and engagement ▪ Over 2013-2020: influenced and supported approximately: USD 14.6 billion of World Bank and MDB-funded green growthrelated investments and policy loans. Particularly highlights include Senegal's $500 million Solid Waste Management PPP, West Africa Power pool adoption of energy storage for the regional grid, and Mexico's WB green growth loan for adopting holistic smart cities approach to water issues. 2020-2023-Bangladesh Green growth lending $1 Billion (World Bank Investment Project Financing and Development Policy Credit) ▪ Led global, regional, and national knowledge-sharing initiatives to enhance and influence green growth policies to identify opportunities for policymakers, investors, and civil society. ▪ Demonstrated technical and financial international engagement: diplomatic and partnership-building skills, maintaining and developing collaborative relationships with senior government officials, donor countries, and private and public sector partners. ▪ Developed over seven MOUs between the World Bank Sector business lines and Korean Government agencies, including the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Strategy, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Trade Industry, and Energy. This led to many public and private sector joint ventures between governments supported by the World Bank and Korea. ▪ Represented the World Bank at local, regional, and international conferences and workshops on green growth, sustainable development, and climate change.
COLUMB I A UN IVE RS ITY SC H OOL OF IN TE RN AT ION AL AN D PUB L IC AF F AI RS Master of International Affairs 2003 Dual Concentration in International Energy Management and Policy / Environmental Policy Studies focus on electricity markets / LNG project finance and environmental market mechanisms (Carbon finance) TH E STATE UN IVE RS IT Y OF NE W YORK AT S TON Y BRO OK Bachelor of Science in Biology, Minor in Environmental Sciences 1998 Concentration in Ecology and Ecosystems Tibor T. Polgar Fellow, NSF Research Education Undergraduate Gran

[Speaker] Korea’s ODA Strategy for Fishing Communities and Case Studies
Kang Sin-Gil
Head of department / Rural Community Development Division, Korea Rural Community Corporation / Republic of Korea

Min Eun-Young
Researcher / National Institute of Fisheries Science(NIFS) / Republic of Korea
2017 – Present : Researcher, NIFS, MOF
2015 – 2016 : Public officer, National Fishery Products Quality Management Service, MOF
2012 – 2015 : Assistant Researcher, Institute of Fisheries Science Pukyong National University
2008–2010 : Part-time Instructor, Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, Sunmoon University
2007-2008 : Department Assistant, Department of Fish Disease, Pukyong National University
2000 : Bachelor of Science in Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, Pukyong National University
2002 : Master of Science in Department of Fish Disease, Pukyong National University
2007 : Ph.D. in Department of Fish Disease, Pukyong National University
2008 : Postdoctoral fellow in in Department of Fish Disease, Pukyong National University

Lee Seok-Jin
Officer / International Cooperation Division of Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries / Republic of Korea
Department of Aquatic Life MedIcine (2012)
▶ Experience
● 2023. 8- Present : International Cooperation Policy Bureau Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
● 2021 - 2023 : Shipping and Logistics Bureau Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
● 2020 - 2021 : Distribution Policy Division Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
● 2019 - 2020 : National Fisheries Quality Management Institute Quarantine Inspection Division Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
● 2014 - 2016 : Gyeongsangnam-do Fisheries Resource Research Institute (Aquaculture Research)

Kim Yong-Wong
Team Leader / Korea Ports & Harbours Association / Republic of Korea