시간 | 세부 프로그램 | 비고 |
13:00~14:00 | 현장등록 |
온라인등록 |
14:00~14:05 |
[환영사] 미정
미정 |
[축사] 미정
주요 초청인사 |
14:05~14:10 |
기념촬영 및 장내 정리
14:10~14:40 |
[발제 1] Sumarimi, 인도네시아 말랑 주립대학교 지리학과 교수
인도네시아 |
14:40~15:10 |
[발제 2] 최일선, KMI 지역경제관광문화연구실 실장
대한민국 |
15:10~15:20 |
휴식 및 장내 정리
15:20~16:30 |
[좌장] 김향자, 한국문화관광연구원 초빙석좌연구위원
대한민국 |
[지정토론 1] Thi Thu Trang Nguyen, BTU* 부유식 건물 연구소 박사
베트남 | |
[지정토론 2] Priscila F.M. Lopes, FIFO* 부회장
브라질 | |
[지정토론 3] 後藤春彦(Haruhiko GOTO), 와세다대학 도시계획학과 교수
일본 | |
[지정토론 4] Melinda Watt, EarthCheck 부사장
호주 | |
[지정토론 5] 최효정, 한국어촌어항공단 어촌해양마케팅 팀장
대한민국 | |
16:30~ |

한국문화관광연구원 / 초빙석좌연구위원 / 대한민국
2021.8 – Present : Visiting Senior Research Fellow of Korea
Culture and Tourism Institute
: Visiting Professor of University of Seoul : Co-representative of Consumer Action for Future
2002.12 – 2021.6 : Senior Research Fellow of Korea Culture and
Tourism Institute
FHead of Maritime Advisors, Drewry Shipping Consultants
1984 : Landscape
Arcitecture, BA, University of Seoul
1997 : Tourism
Development, Ph..D., Kyonggi Uniersity

[발제자] 말레이시아 전통 어촌의 공동체 기반 관광: 블루 이코노미를 위한 준비가 되어 있는가?
암란 빈 함자
말레이시아 공과대학교 관광 기획 분야 / 교수 / 말레이시아
Dr. Amran Hamzah is a Professor in Tourism Planning at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, where he has been teaching for more than 40 years. His areas of specialisation are tourism policy planning and the interface between ecotourism and protected area management. Besides his academic duties, Amran had successfully led more than 100 consultancy projects for national and international agencies. Among others he was the lead consultant for Malaysia’s National Ecotourism Plan (2016-2025) and the National Tourism Policy (2020-2030). In addition, Amran is a member of the Advisory Board of UNWTO's Best Tourism Villages of the World Initiative and several international committees/expert panels under the auspices of UNESCO, UNDP and the Ocean Panel. Amran was elected as an IUCN Regional Councillor for the 2016-2021 term. Currently, he is serving as a Regional Vice Chair (South-East Asia) for IUCN-WCPA (World Commission on Protected Areas). Amran is also a prolific speaker who is regularly invited to present keynote addresses and papers at international and national conferences
[발제자] 어촌관광을 통한 지역경제 활성화
한국해양수산개발원(KMI) / 지역경제관광문화연구실 실장 / 대한민국
2016-2022: Senior Researcher, KMI
2022~ : Director, Regional Economy and Tourism Research Division, KMI
2009. 6. : Hospitality
& Tourism Management, BSc, Oxford Brookes University, UK
2010. 11. : International
Tourism Marketing, MSc, Oxford Brookes University, UK
2015. 8. : Tourism
Studies, PhD, Hanyang University, Korea

[발제자] 해안 어촌 공동체의 회복탄력성과 지속가능한 발전
미카일 토아노글로
전주대학교 호텔경영학과 / 교수 / 그리스
Ph.D., Hospitality & Tourism Management, Youngsan University
MSc, Tourism Management, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
MSc, Hospitality
▶ 주요 이력
● 2021– Present : Jeonju University – Professor & Drector of International Programs
● 2015 – 2021 : Woosong University – Head of Department of Hoospitality Management
● 2010- Present: Sustainability consultant for South Aegean Islands Region (Greece)

한국섬진흥원 / 부연구위원 / 대한민국
Doctor, Philosophy in Engineering, Landscpae Architecture Major, Seoul National University
Master, Landscaped Architecture, Environmental Landscape Architecture Major, Seoul NAtional University
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Jeonbuk National University
▶ 주요 이력
● 2023 – Present : Associate Research Fellow, Korea Island Development Institute
● 2023 – Present : Review Committee Member for the Korea Society of Rural Planning
● 2018 – Present : Adjunct Researcher, Environmental Planning Institute, Seoul National University